Friends of
Highgate Wood Preston

Making Tracks
In autumn 2014 new tarmac and gravel paths were laid including:
the path from the bridge to Foregate with new steps to Foregate
the main path from the bridge to the pond with improved steps to Garstang Road
improvements to other paths
some clearing and dredging of the pond
Funded by Lancashire Environmental Fund Lancashire County Council, Preston City Council and the Friends, the total project cost was £39,000. The official opening was in January 2015, and the project was winner of a Lancashire Environmental Fund Best Practice Award
Scythe Purchase and Training
In March 2014 we received a £500 Lancashire County Council Green Partnership award for scythe training and the purchase of scythes. These have been well used to mow the path verges and the west meadow.
Picnic Benches
In March 2017 we received a grant of £2,022 from Preston City Council Community Innovation Fund for two picnic benches in the west meadow. Unfortunately, both have since been destroyed by vandals.
Boardwalk for All
In July 2022, funded by Lancashire Environmental Fund, Preston City Council and the Friends, the boardwalk round the pond was completely replaced and twenty metres of the path from the bridge towards Highgate Close was laid to tarmac. The total cost was £37,500 and the official opening of new boardwalk by the Mayor of Preston was in October 2022
Tree Planting
In February 2023 we planted thirty young trees in the east meadow. The trees, stakes and ties were a gift from the Environment Agency under their "Five for One" scheme, because six trees had to be felled to protect the flood control dam further down Savick Brook. The trees are all native species: cherry, hazel, rowan, crab apple and silver birch.